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Thank you! — Jad Joubran


Validation errors return the same format as the error response macro.


If you test validations errors in your brower, you will most likely get a redirection.
That's because internally, Laravel makes use of the wantsJson method and only serves Json if you request a Json response.

In order to request a Json response, you have to set the following header:

Accept: application/json

When validation fails

Laravel's validation feature will return the same format as the response()->error() macro.


class PostsController
    public function update(Request $request)
        $this->validate($request, [
            'title' => 'required',
            'url'   => 'required|url',

If this validation fails, you will get the following response:

    "message":"422 error",
        "message":"The title field is required.",

✅ You can directly use the errors.message in your front-end.
✅ You can access the field for which the validation failed under[0].
✅ Only the first validation error will be returned, even if more than one have failed.

This customization is installed in your app\Http\Controller.php under the formatValidationErrors method.