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Thank you! — Jad Joubran


Installation steps for Laravel Angular package into your Laravel/Lumen app

Laravel & Angular is simply a PHP package for Laravel. It is not opinionated regarding your Angular app. However we recommend using the official @angular/cli tool.

Laravel Installation

At the root level of your Laravel app, require the package using composer:

composer require jadjoubran/laravel-angular

If you're using Laravel 5.5 or newer, you can skip this step.
Inside your config/app.php, add the Service Provider:


Then run the installation command

php artisan laravelangular:install

JWT Auth Installation

If you're interested in authenticating your users with statless Json Web Tokens, follow the JWT installation instructions

Angular Installation

You can setup the Angular app in your own preferred way. This means, if you already have an Angular app, you don't have to change anything.

For your convenience, and if you're starting from scratch, you can follow the Angular installation guide.

Lumen Installation

If you're using Lumen rather than Laravel, follow the instructions below.
Require the package using composer, and then register the service provider.
